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VIA - Votorantim for Childhood and Adolescence

Through VIA, the Votorantim Institute works to promote and protect the rights of children and adolescents, aiming to reduce the levels of vulnerability and violence among and by children and the development of local quality of life.

VIA operates on two fronts:

Protection network

It seeks to strengthen the municipal strategy for preventing violations of rights and providing care for vulnerable children and adolescents through the coordinated and qualified work of the institutions, services and programs that make up the Social Protection Network (RPS) and the Rights Guarantee System (SGD).

Strengthening the CMDCA

Contributes to the strengthening of public policies and programs managed by the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CMDCA), allowing the improvement of the well-being of children and adolescents, especially those in vulnerable situations.

140+ municípios beneficiados em +15 estados brasileiros
1.3 mi alunos impactados

Learn how to contribute to VIA

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